
Accessorize Your Luxury Car Rental with a Matching Carbon Fiber iPad 2 Case

It is always fun to see what types of luxury cases are created when a new gadget emerges, like the new iPad.  If you have a love of luxury cars, exotic car rentals Miami and all things carbon fiber, you will be pleased to learn that there is a carbon fiber case now available for the new iPad 2, for just $99 bucks!

The carbon fiber case is from XGearlive and is called the 360 shield.  Not only is it visually stimulating, but also it is authentic carbon fiber, making it very durable and lightweight so that your machine is protected and easy to transport.  The 360 shield carbon fiber case leaves access to all the ports and buttons of the iPad 2, and a side hinge allows the lid to swivel 360 degrees so that the screen is easily accessible.  This is a stellar way to protect the iPad from scratches, a great gift idea, and I wish they made one for smartphones! This case will go great with your Los Angeles exotic rental car.

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Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals