
Apple iPad Controlled Mega Yacht Charter May Be the World’s Most Exclusive App

The latest mega yacht charter features what is quite possibly the world’s most exclusive application.  Guests on luxury yacht charter “Solemates” are given an Apple iPad upon boarding, which they can use to control everything short of the captain’s steering wheel.

Guests of this mega yacht charter include high-profile celebs like P. Diddy and family, who spent just shy of $1 million dollars in one week aboard Solemates.  So how does Apple’s iPad enhance the luxury yacht charter experience?

The iPad allows guests to control shipboard entertainment, climate systems, order drinks and refreshments, and even access the lights and blinds in their cabins at the tap of an icon.  Guests are among the wealthiest in the world, and their iPads are often customized with shortcuts, such as a shortcut to the media server’s music library, in the case of P. Diddy.

Guests of luxury yacht charter Solemates receive much more than service at the touch of a screen, with charter rates beginning at $690,000 per week plus expenses, which can conservatively be placed at an additional $150,000.
Amenities and perks of Solemates yacht charter include:

•    Al-fresco gym
•    A disco with an $80,000 integrated light and sound system
•    Ultra-lux furnishings
•    LCD monitors and TVs everywhere
•    A plethora of strategically placed Jacuzzis (and unlike the ones on Carnival Cruise Lines, they are not likely to be used as a babysitter, full of unattended kids and urine.
•    Inflatable floating trampoline
•    Jet-powered surfboards
•    James-Bond style underwater “sea bobs”
•    The world’s first aromatherapy shower in the master cabin (offering eucalyptus, peppermint, citrus and pine needle, if you want to inhale Pine-sol as you wash)
•    A world-class chef and stewardess who speaks 5 languages

“You won’t find this app for download in the Apple store any time soon.”

-Rupert Connor, central agent, Luxury Yacht Group

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