
Car Candy: Another Delicious Rare Veyron

Here it is in all of its chrome glory—the exclusive Bugatti Veyron L’Edition Centenaire! Created in 2009, just 4 examples of this rare hypercar emerged—each in a different color. I am partial to the blue and chrome, pictured below.

The French racing blue and chrome color scheme was clearly a nod to Jean-Pierre Wimille, a Bugatti racing driver in the 1930s

Wimille was a Le Mans racing winner and therefore a brand legend. The 4 Centenaire cars lavishly marked the 100th anniversary of Bugatti, in colors that represent the 4 drivers who drove the legendary Type 35 racing car:
• French driver Jean-Pierre Wimille
• Italian driver Achille Varzi
• English driver Malcolm Campbell
• German driver Hermann Zu Leininger

Bugatti is forever linked to the Type 35 Grand Prix

There are a few special edition Veyrons, and all offer superior aesthetics and power, but the fastest so far is the Super Sport–shredding the speed limit at 267 miles per hour plus!

All 4 Veyron L’Edition Centenaire units

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