Amazing Tips To Help Save on Your Car Insurance in 2020

Each year, Americans drive over 2.5 trillion miles. For most people, driving to and from work each day is something they are used to. Before you can put a car on the road, you will have to get it insured. Most states have very strict laws when it comes to driving without insurance. The last... Read More

Why Choosing A Luxury Car Is The Ultimate In Safety

Owning a luxury car is a thrilling and adrenaline-filled experience, but it needn’t be unsafe. Luxury models such as the Mercedes-Benz S550 and the Lexus RX 350 are featured in the list of the few cars that regularly experience zero traffic fatalities. Renting a vehicle with advanced safety technology is the best thing you can do to keep your... Read More

Video: Porsche Slides into Crowd at Malta Motor Show

Auto shows are exciting venues to get the details on the latest offerings and see how brands are evolving--and sometimes there are exotic car crashes. There is always the risk of danger when crowds gather near vehicles in operation, as was the case at the Malta Motor Show. Malta is a small island off the... Read More

Young Chap Crashes His Lamborghini and Bentley In the Same Day

A perhaps new-to-the-game exotic car owner suffered the misfortune of crashing both his beloved Bentley and Lamborghini on the very same day! Reports read that the owner, 21-year-old Elijah Oyefeso, merely laughed-off the double exotic car crash...but we all know he must have wept silently into his car-shaped pillow later that night. Elijah is said... Read More

That Will Not Buff Out: Porsche Destroyed at Carwash

A 2014 Porsche 911 convertible driven by 74-year-old Job Taylor went in for a wash, and ended up under the collapsed rubble of the building! It seems that Taylor may have accidently hit the accelerator rather than the brake, nailing a support beam and effectively bringing down the house. At least only a portion of... Read More

Video: One-off Bugatti L’Or Blanc Encounters Rare LaFerrari and Backs Into It

In what could be humorously described as a territorial dispute, the exquisite one-of-a-kind Bugatti L’Or Blanc backed into a precious LaFerrari. It seems that the streets of Paris can be a rough-and-tumble place for a supercar. The unfortunate incident was captured on video for the world to view and cringe. View the LaFerrari Bugatti crash... Read More

82-Year-Old Lands Upside Down in a Bentley

An aging lady driver with a preference for the finer cars in life made headlines by landing upside down in a Bentley. The woman emerged unscathed from the crash, which occurred when she drove the car over a ledge and landed it upside down on top of another car! There were no occupants in the... Read More

How to Drive a Lamborghini Into a Pole or a Lake

Lamborghini crashes and crazy incidents are apparently on the rise recently, with the following two tidbits making headlines: A driver kissing a pole with a Lambo and another rocketing the car into a pond during a drag race...on a track. The clip above shows a Lamborghini spinning out prior to making a splash in a... Read More