
Green Goes Luxury—Eco-Friendly Hotel Practices

Who says luxury hotels can’t be eco-friendly?  The growing trend of going green has infiltrated even the most luxe of hotels, making strides toward a decidedly green future and preservation of our planet.

Savvy travelers in growing numbers are supporting conservation by selecting which establishments they visit, and that also extends to luxury hotels around the world.

Yes, sustainable hospitality practices are becoming increasingly prevalent among the luxury hotels of today.  Many luxury hotels are becoming LEED Certified, which stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design”.

LEED Certification is a coveted badge and bragging right, meaning that the building has passed the Green Building Rating System, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, and adheres to a suite of standards for the environmentally sustainable design, construction and operation.

Following are some of the ways luxury hotels are minimizing their carbon footprint by making small changes across the board:

•    Installing water saving and filtration devices to reduce usage of bottled water
•    Posting signage that recommends re-use of towels to reduce water    use and laundry detergent consumption
•    Motion sensors
•    Including guest recycling receptacles in all rooms
•    Using recycled paper napkins
•    Doing away with individual portion packages such as coffee creamers in favor of gallon
•    Using recycled products whenever possible
•    Using recycled toner to print and using both sides
•    Adopting cleaning agents that are non-toxic and environmentally safe to eliminate use of bleach and ammonia based products
•    Eliminating disposable cups from employee areas
•    Replacing older heating and cooling systems with energy-efficient models
•    Replacing paints and solvents with low VOC kinds
•    Donating reusable items to local non-profit organizations to reduce landfill
•    Replacing light fixtures with energy-efficient models
•    Offering incentives to guests, such as valet discounts for hybrid cars

So if you are on the green bandwagon, the next time you call your favored luxury hotel, be it the W Hotel South Beach, the Setai, Shore Club or any other, you can feel free to ask them if they are LEED Certified, and what measures they are taking to reduce their environmental impact.  It is a beautiful world, and now luxury hotels are joining the cause to keep it that way.  Exotic car hybrids are also slowly beginning to appear, and the future will be interesting as this mechanical evolution continues.

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals