The Belvedere vodka and Martini & Rossi vermouth plus olives martini comes with a pre-selected sparkling diamond on bottom, from in house jeweler Bader & Garrin. The clarity, cut and carat of the diamond you choose will influence the price up, duh. We smell desperation on Anthony Melchiorri, the hotel’s general manager, “This is a great lobby, where you can hang out and talk or where you can ask someone to marry you.”  The Algonquin Hotel once attracted notable people like writer Dorothy Parker who said, “I love a martini — but two at the most. Three, I’m under the table; four, I’m under the host.” Apparently the hotel needs some new attention.Â
Gents the martini must be ordered three days in advance and we sincerely hope she doesn’t choke on it. Our advice would be to take her to a Harry Winston, Cartier or Graff Diamond jeweler instead and get down on one knee the old fashion way. A martini may be thrown in your face as Samantha did on Sex & the City, but no girls turns down a Winston, Cartier or Graff.