
WTH Video: Porsche Stuck in Wet Cement!

Watch as an impatient Porsche driver immerses his $100,000 exotic sports car in wet cement…in broad daylight! This is how one becomes an instant online fail joke. It is also a shining example of what NOT to do in a Porsche rental from Imagine Lifestyles.

Porsche stuck in wet cement

The Porsche was enduring heavy traffic in San Francisco’s Marina district when the driver decided to take a shortcut through a construction zone.

According to bystanders, the rushed commuter disregarded a construction sight that had been clearly marked off with cones, opting to slide in on a side street. The situation escalated quickly, leaving the man much later for his appointments than he would have been had he followed the legal flow of traffic.

Watch as construction workers toil to remove the luxury car from the wet cement. The driver never exits the vehicle and likely wished he were sinking in the cement himself!

The innocent Porsche likely needed an entire undercarriage and brake system replacement after the coat of wet cement. Brutal! The driver had to absorb much more than the cost of repairs—a lifetime of humiliation with over 400,000 views so far!

Porsche stuck in wet cement

The commentary provided by the bystander is fairly entertaining. He says, “This has got to be the most embarrassing day of this guy’s life,” and a few other humorous observations. We are thankful that the video was uploaded to YouTube, though the driver likely feels differently!

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals