
Aston Martin Strolls into New Territory: Baby Supplies

Exotic cars and supercars have inspired many items, from luxury watches to designer shoes and even yachts. While sports cars are generally thought of as a male toy, mommies may now partake in a slice of the action thanks to the Aston Martin stroller! The official name is the Silver Cross Surf Aston Martin Edition and it pairs well with the Aston Martin Cygnet.

Silver Cross Surf Aston Martin Edition

Silver Cross Surf Aston Martin Edition

Apparently, expensive baby strollers are quite popular among well-heeled moms (think: Bugaboo). Aston Martin has given in (and given its name badge) to the craze, teaming up with Silver Cross to create an efficient and over-the-top way to transport that bundle of joy! This may or may not be correlated with Aston Martin’s interest in smaller things, like its diminutive Cygnet baby car.

Silver Cross Surf Aston Martin Edition

I feel like I could hoist the Aston Martin Cygnet up with one hand and feel like the Incredible Hulk. 

So what does one get, aside from the Aston Martin marquee, when shelling out $3,000 USD for the Aston Martin Edition Silver Cross stroller? That would be luxurious leather trim, aluminum-allow wheels, cozy air-ride suspension. These are features befitting an Aston Martin luxury sedan, but they are intended for passengers who regularly succumb to projectile vomiting. At least the smooth ride may curb motion sickness for the high-end tots!

Silver Cross Surf Aston Martin Edition

What do you think of this upscale baby carriage? I suppose this is similar to what separates the sports car from the hatch back!

The Silver Cross Surf, Aston Marin Edition is available exclusively from Harrod’s. Aston Martin rentals, however, you can find just a click away for less than the price of this stroller!

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