
Top 20 Funniest Pictures of Luxury & Exotic Cars

Who doesn’t turn their head when a nice car goes by?  If you live in Miami or LA than it might be more typical to see a luxury car rolling down the street.   I guarantee no matter where you live or how many exotic and luxury cars you see, you will appreciate the pictures below.  Imagine Lifestyles has complied 20 interesting pictures of luxury cars, some in very odd places. Enjoy the pictures below.

1.  Vintage Rolls Royce in a Pool.  Clothing optional?

2. Rolls Royce Phantom filling up.  Shouldn’t your driver be doing that??

3. Rolls Royce Drop Top  in a Handicapped Spot and parking in the red line.  Hope this does not get towed?  I am sure they can afford it.

4. Vintage Rolls Royce  is a classic car.  Pink Rolls Royce well umm?

5. If you are trying to blend into your surroundings, this zebra painted Rolls Royce Phantom will do the trick.  Do you think they have a Rolls Royce rental car for safari trips?   Better stick to Land Rover rentals for that expedition.

6. Lamborghini LP-560-4 at The Goodwill Store?   Times must be tough.

7.   Classic Rolls Royce Vintage luxury car.  What was this person thinking.  Yellow is bad enough.

8. Yes, we all know that Mariah Carey can sing, but do we need to deface one of the nicest luxury sedans made by man?

9. Still trying to make sense of this picture.  2 words: Pickup Truck!

10. Hopefully this car had head-on accident that totaled the car and they are trying to make the best of it.

11. Watch out tough guy, this Porsche is obviously in reverse.

12.  Is that carpet going to be put on-top of that Lambo??

13. Red Ferrari – check, white pants – check, polo shirt – check, handicapped spot.

14. This Lamborghini owner sure likes exercise more than his exotic sports car.

15.  Still trying to figre out what is going on?  Any thoughts?

16. I am not going to exceed the speed limit.  They will 100% catch up and pull me over.

17. I hope this is the owner’s Lambo.

All rights reserved by jeffery c johnson

18.  Not sure if that boot goes with the rest of the car.

All rights reserved by cindyt*

19.  This Lamborghini is right out of “Silence of the Lambs.”   I do not think it is going anywhere anytime soon.

All rights reserved by StormCab

20. Big chair – ok, car ontop of big chair – ok.  What’s next?

21. We decided to add one for good luck and becuase it is hilarious.

Luxury cars can be more fun than you expected.   Next time you are in Miami, Chicago, LA or New York contact Imagine Lifestyles and you can view our fleet of exotic rental cars.  From Ferrari rentals to Bentley rentals, you are sure to have a great day driving one of our luxury cars.  Have fun with your luxury and exotic cars and please try not to make any of our Top 10/20 lists of funniest pictures of luxury cars.  This is one list you do not want to be on.

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals