
Video Riot: Bicycle Catches Bugatti Veyron—Pulls it Over

This one will get your wheels spinning! The fastest car on earth (currently) has been caught by a bicycle! It seems a bicycle cop caught up to, and proceeded to pull over a Bugatti Veyron in London. Thankfully, someone shot a video of the epic hilarity to share!

Bugatti Veyron pulled over by pedaling police in London during Olympics

To be fair, the 2012 Olympics are going on in London, slowing traffic to a crawl and allowing bicycle cops to catch pretty much anything and anyone! If the officer wanted a rematch, it would be equally hilarious to see these two line up on the track!

The clip is short and there are a few shaky parts (was the person filming on a bike also, or jumping for joy?), but it is worthwhile.

The Arab man behind the wheel of the Veyron was stopped due to the fact that the car had no front license plate.

The driver of the Veyron was permitted to go after a brief discussion with the officer that likely included top speed, custom features, admiration and perhaps the price (if the pedaling police had the nerve to inquire, that is!).

Diplomatic immunity or just plain awesome?
Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals