
WTF! Chinese Lamborghini Owner Pays to Have Luxury Car Destroyed in Protest

Men wielding hammers prepare to destroy a Lamborghini Gallardo L140 luxury sports car to mark World Consumer Rights Day in Qingdao city, eastern Shandong province, China on March 15

Have you ever had a bad customer experience? Well, you are not alone…though this Lamborghini owner has taken his grievance to extreme exotic car violence!  This owner hired help to obliterate his shiny Lamborghini Gallardo to pieces in front of a group of onlookers because he felt his consumer rights had been violated.  I feel that the Lamborghini Gallardo has been violated…not something we at Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals would ever want to witness happen to one of our Lamborghini rentals Miami!

Yes, an affluent Chinese Lamborghini Gallardo owner felt slighted by the service received at the local dealership, therefore hired a group of men (dramatically dressed identically) to bludgeon the supreme luxury car on World Consumer Rights Day.

This is certainly no way to appreciate one of the world’s best luxury cars and Miami exotic car rentals, and certainly not in a country where the average citizen earns approximately $6,000 per year.  I assume that in the eyes of the group of onlookers, this wealthy individual looked more like a douchbag than a fellow protester, and failed to earn the respect sought.

Motto of the story:  Don’t take out your problems on a perfectly good Lamborghini in front of your less prosperous compatriots…it is tacky.
Check out our fleet of Los Angeles Lamborghini rental cars, Chicago Lamborghini rental cars and more exotic rental cars but make sure you do not take a hammer to any of them 🙂

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals