
Abercrombie Offers Jersey Shore Cast Cash to Stop Wearing the Brand!

In what is an undesirable situation for Abercrombie, the tacky yet unexplainably popular cast of Mtv’s “Jersey Shore” has received a business err…opportunity from the good people at the clothing empire recently. It seems that Abercrombie is concerned that the cast of Jersey Shore is damaging the reputation of the preppy clothing line. Hey, at least Jersey Shore’s Situation Ferrari video was entertaining. Basically, the Jersey Shore cast has been cast out by Abercrombie & Fitch!

The Abercrombie clad Situation

Just come out and say it, Abercrombie, you think the cast of Jersey Shore is greasy and do not want to be associated with them! Who wouldn’t want their brand name smeared across the overly tanned chest of a Guido wasted in a bar?  I suppose the brand preferred the LFO song from years ago.

So funny….

Abercrombie does sell suggestive tees

The clothing mogul has made it clear that this is not their target market

The main target of this cease-and-desist payoff is Mike Sorrentino, aka The Situation. Abercrombie is focusing mainly on coercing him to end this situation and stop wearing their clothing on the show. The brand has also offered payoffs to the rest of the cast members as well, stating “deep concerns” that they could cause “significant damage” to the brands “aspirational nature”.

Abercrombie does not want this walking billboard

But wait…didn’t Abercrombie previously create and sell tees emblazoned with “The Fitchuation”? They should be more afraid of Snookie sporting an Abercrombie baby tee…


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