
Ask Imagine: Need Some Chicago Travel Advice

Dear Imagine Lifestyles,

I am coming to Chicago for Thanksgiving to visit my in-laws.  Can you please give me some advice on where we should stay?  They live in Deerfield, IL but I do not necessarily need to stay there.  I have never been to Chicago before so I am not that familiar with what my options are.  I will also need a vehicle for my trip.


John, Tampa, FL

Dear John,

Thank you very much for taking the time to inquire about your trip with us.  We can definitely help you with all of your needs for your trip.  We would recommend staying downtown since Deerfield is going to be a residential community with very little to see or do.  There are a few hotels that we feel have everything to ensure a great stay and are all in perfect locations for tourists to get the most our of their experience.  The Peninsula, The Trump Hotel, and the Elysian are three of our favorite hotels in the city and have been great for our clients on numerous past visits.  The location of all these hotels is perfect for someone who has never been to Chicago.  Imagine Lifestyles can also accommodate all of your vehicle needs for your trip as well.  We would just need a few details on what type of vehicle you are looking to rent and the reservation can be completed.  We have exotic sports car rentals, luxury sedan rentals, luxury SUV rentals, all of which are available as rental car or you could arrange for a private chauffeured vehicle for you and your family.  Imagine Lifestyles will arrange for everything on your trip to ensure the trip is relaxing and worry-free.  However, we cannot do anything to help you deal with your in-laws.


Imagine Lifestyles

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals