
Chicago Adding More Luxury Tax?

Chicago To Raise Tax On Luxury Goods?

Listen up Chicago!  We all know Mayor Daley is handing over the family throne to Chicago in the next few weeks and the mayoral elect is making his rounds around the city campaigning hard for ways to raise money as head of one of the most powerful political positions in the world.  Our new mayor, Rahm Emanuel, who some argue is not even a Chicago resident, has an idea of how to raise some money for the city and its giant pile of debt that continues to grow. We are trying to make sure our fleet of Chicago luxury rental cars does not get taxed more for our loyal customers.


Chicago Luxury Tax

Chicago Mayoral Elect Rahm Emanuel recently mentioned that he plans to impose a tax on luxury services for Chicago residents.  Asked for further explanation, his office claims there are too many loopholes that allow luxury goods to go untaxed.  So what do you think Chicago, do we need more taxes on luxury goods?  The current tax on an exotic rental car in Chicago is 18%.  How high does Mr. Emanuel think the tax should be, 50%?  He claims the current tax system is too hard on low-income families, which might be the case, but does that really mean the system is too kind to high-income families?


Imagine Lifestyles thinks everyone deserves to live a life of luxury, even if it’s just for a few days each summer.  We sincerely hope the next mayor of this great city doesn’t strip away that right from everyone by imposing even higher taxes on our services.  Everyone deserves a chance to drive a Chicago exotic rental car like our Chicago Lamborghini Gallardo rental or a Ferrari F430 rental car once in his or her life.  Let’s hope it stays that way next summer and beyond Chicago!

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals