
Check Out the Ultra-Luxurious Customizable Interior of the First-Ever 2011 Lexus LFA Supercar

We have excitedly shared with you, our dear readers and fanbase, the intricate details of the incredible and first-ever Lexus LFA supercar, now we will delve in a bit deeper, and cover the customizable interior of this outstanding addition to the Lexus line-up.

The LFA features the most customizable color palette of any Lexus ever engineered, with nearly 30 billion possible configurations!  All 500 proud owners will have the following exterior selections to choose from:

•    10 Standard Exterior Color Options
•    Additional 20 Optional Special Color Choices
•    Special Order Colors Available at Clients Request
•    3 Road Wheel Choices
•    6 Brake Caliper Colors

In addition to these exterior choices, individual selections for color and material can be made for the following interior components:

•    Front and Back Seats
•    Upper Instrument Panel

•    Lower Instrument Panel
•    Lower Instrument Panel
•    Door Trim
•    Center Console
•    Door Grip
•    Steering Wheel
•    Headliner
•    Floor Mats
•    Stitching

And after all of these options, the driver can choose from up to 12 interior colors in either leather or alcantara, and 2 options for available metal trim.  Wow! It certainly seems that the new owner will have a great time personalizing their new Lexus supercar during the ordering process, how exciting!  After driving this astounding supercar, we can only hope to one day include it as part of our fleet of exotic rental cars!

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals