
Driving Under the Influence – What You Should Know

All around the world, various laws, which promote safety among road users, have been enacted. Among these, there is a myriad of laws specifically targeted towards condemning driving under influence.

Government officials, the media, and concerned individuals endlessly advocate against driving under the influence of any alcohol or drug. While this might seem like a difficult sea to part- especially if you are a new driver who’s in love with alcohol- this article is laser-focused on keeping you in touch with everything you need to know about this term.

What’s DUI?

For starters, let’s be clear about what Driving Under Influence (DUI) means. DUI is a criminal offense that involves moving a vehicle while impaired by either drugs or alcohol- prescription or recreational.

In 2010, of the fatalities involving children who are younger than the age of 14, about 17 percent occurred in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. These figures have justified the actions major governments have taken towards reducing the alcohol-related deaths per population.

How are drivers tested?

Through the use of a breathalyzer and various field assessment tests, the police make driving-under-influence convictions. You may be asked to walk in a straight line or stand on one foot- all in a bid to test your balance and judgment- both of which are impaired by drugs and alcohol.

What’s the law?

As a rule of thumb, if you have a blood alcohol level over 8mg per 100ml of blood, the law states that you cannot drive. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all effect of alcohol on the human body. However, alcohol affects everyone at different rates- which is dependent on factors such as metabolism and weight.

All in all, the law is clear about its stance. To put the icing on the cake, these laws are applicable even when you are not technically driving! The actual wording used by the law is that these limits are in place if you are “in charge of a vehicle”- which includes sitting or sleeping in your car!

Don’t be scared, albeit. Through the help of an experienced professional and trusted Portland DUI attorney, you can escape the claws of the law.

Consequences of DUI


If convicted with driving under influence, you might be hit with a fine, a driving ban, or even a prison time. Whatever penalty you get is solely dependent on the law guiding the region you had defaulted in.


Every 51 minutes in America, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash. That’s a whopping 27 persons per day! Again, someone is injured in a drunk-driving accident every 120 seconds.  It is, therefore, obvious that a major consequence of DUI- which affects other road users- is the possibility of an accident occurring. That said, asides absconding the law’s wrath, it is a social responsibility to avoid this act.


How to Avoid DUI

There are many ways through which you could enjoy alcohol without being slapped with a DUI fine or prison time.

Here are 3 major ways you can prevent DUI:

  • If you know you would be driving soon, drink responsibly. Understand how your body reacts to alcohol and drink to suit its taste.
  • Assign someone to take you home if you know you won’t be able to drive.
  • Better still, book a cab if there’s no one available to drive you home after a party.


Driving under influence should be avoided at all costs as an act of social indebtedness. However, if you have stepped on the lion’s tail, there’s a way out which doesn’t involve your head being thrown off. Book an attorney and save your reputation.