
Lamborghini Brand Earns Award for Ethics

Lamborghini brand did not make it to the top of the food chain by being total jerks. Case in point: Lamborghini has just been given the 2014 award for outstanding ethics. Roman law firm Coratella’s Annual Congress on the Criminal Responsibility of Entities gives the award. It sounds like a bunch of legal jargon, but it is a legit nod to the inner workings of the Lamborghini company.

Lamborghini brand

The commission made the following declaration regarding the prestigious award: “Lamborghini performs its activities with respect for the people that work and collaborate with the company and the people who are part of the community in which the company operates and is present, contributing to building a better way of doing business for all the parties involved.” 

Those familiar with Lamborghini and who have had dealings with the brand know the above statement to be true. Lamborghini works hard to ensure client satisfaction because they do not want people to simply buy a car, but to continue buying cars for life. They hold the same approach for their employees, adopting the mentality that a happy and rewarded staff will work harder and strive for the perfection that we have all come to expect from the Raging Bull logo.

Lamborghini brand

Lamborghini president and CEO Stephan Winkelmann responded to the award as follows: “Developing an ethical dimension is a double responsibility for Lamborghini, not only as a business, but also due to being a highly visible brand. Managed well, they can steer and give impetus to virtuous processes in today’s way of doing business. However a fundamental prerequisite is the success of the company: economic stability must be guaranteed, the point being to use profits as a tool that can give a company a new dimension and contribute to creating a better world not only for today’s generation, but for tomorrow’s too.”

Congratulations, Lamborghini!

Lamborghini brandPost by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals