
Luxury Car Theft: The ‘Bentley Bandit’ Story & Video

Generally, thieves targeting exotic and luxury cars tend to be a bit discreet.  Not the case with the 22-year-old ‘Bentley Bandit’, who has been rolling from dealership to dealership, trading each stolen luxury vehicle for another!  This guy craves more attention than Lady Gaga!

This blatant car thief has shocked the country, leaving luxury car dealers and exotic rental car companies on the lookout for this young fan of the finer things in life.

The man is stealing license plates along the way, and has stolen quite a few cars to date!  The luxury car theft spree began with a 2003 Mercedes in Indianapolis, Indiana, followed by a Mercedes in Naperville, then a Mercedes SUV in St. Charles.  The man then discovered a taste for even finer things, swiping a Bentley in Naples, Florida.

Bentley is not a common vehicle to spot on the roadways, so authorities are hoping the young man runs out of road soon!

So far, Paris Hilton’s pink custom Bentley remains safe from the Bentley Bandit, who is still at large.

Paris Hilton Pink Bentley

Unless you are the above-mentioned young man, don’t miss our fleet of luxury rental cars and more on your way out!
Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals