
Maserati Turbo-Boosts Sales With $136,000 GranTurismo Convertible

Luxury brand Fiat SpA’s Maserati has certainly found a way to drive…sales that is.  The new Maserati GranTurismo convertible has all but turbo-boosted sales for the brand, up by a full 48% in the U.S.  See?  Taking your top off always seems to do the trick!

This is fantastic news for the exotic car market, which took a slight hit during the recession but has been displaying signs of recovery.  Maserati unloaded an impressive 1,717 units in the states, including 558 of the four-seat convertibles.

To get a handle on just how great this news is for our friends at Maserati, their sales plunged 49% in 2009, during the height of the recession.  It was a time when it was considered tacky to be seen ‘splurging’, let alone buying six-figure luxury automobile like a Maserati…my how ideas are shifting.

Now that things are slowly improving, new exotic car models are being unleashed and experiencing various degrees of success, like Maserati.

The GranTurismo convertible has been welcomed with open-arms, springing the company back to health, compensating for its sedan predecessors who have failed to rebound to 2008 levels, including the GranTurismo sedan and Quattroporte sedan.  Other exotic car brands enjoying a bit of a sales bump include Volkswagen AG’s Bentley brand, with a 2.6% increase, Ferrari with a 12% increase, and BMW, who is currently taking the Indian and Chinese markets by storm.
Don’t miss our fleet of luxury rental cars, including Maserati rentals Miami, Maserati rentals Chicago, and Maserati rentals New York on your way out!

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals