
The Situation’s Ferrari Situation Video!

It seems that even the boys in blue get a bit star struck when they encounter a cast member of the notorious ‘Jersey Shore’! TMZ captured a situation involving the Situation driving a red hot Ferrari with two girls crammed in the two-seater supercar. That is right, two girls in the passenger seat. Scroll down for video.

The Situation cruising in a Ferrari, this time in Miami and adhering to the law with only one passenger

No word on if the Situation owns the exotic car or indulged in a Ferrari rental NJ Sunday night.

The police in the video seem to be excited about the situation, and getting autographs from the reality TV star. The Chief of Police in Belmar, NJ, sees things differently. The fact that three persons were piled into a two-seater car is a clear violation of New Jersey law, and the officers on the scene turned a blind eye and let the trio dart happily into the night after receiving their autographs and some attention.

Rumors state that the encounter began when the Situation actually pulled over to ask the officers for directions, which would make this celebrity oops even more entertaining!

It is unclear in the video who the two women in the passenger seat are, as it is dark, but I just do not think that Snookie would fit in there with another person.

Jersey Shore’s Situation

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