We love everything luxurious especially high fashion. We feel that fashion should be expensive because that’s the criteria that keeps it exclusive and high end. Knock-offs are so passe and although we try to be animal friendly, PETA won’t persuade us to go fake anytime soon. There is nothing like the feeling of a great fur, leather, snake skin or in this case a crocodile skin bag. The new Gucci triangular Crocodile Pelham Shopper bag is pretty perfect and priced at $22,900. The Gucci bag is available in croc dark green and has braided snaps, a top-snap closure and zipped pockets. The bag is 19.3" x 5.1" x 11", which is an essential for any modern woman who lives out of her purse. The bigger the better! We aren’t diehard Gucci lovers but this bag is a piece of fashion we do respect. If you are a Gucci addict then this bag is a must have, it is both a high fashion and high status symbol. What more could a high status woman want?