
Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces

Untying the knot (severing and torching) is an angsty and expensive ordeal, but when you happen to be a celebrity, it can be downright brutal!  For the price some of these stars paid to sever ties, one could own an impressive fleet of luxury rental cars, high-end properties around the world and so much more!  Ouch!

The Top 10 most expensive celebrity divorces, reported by Forbes, include:

1.  Michael Jordan.  After a lengthy 18-year marriage to wife Juanita Vanoy, Vanoy walked away with a cool $150 million divorce settlement.  The song ‘Love Hurts’ is running through my head.

Michael Jordan & Juanita Vanoy divorce

Michael Jordan & Juanita Vanoy divorce


2.  Neil Diamond.  Right up there with Jordan, Neil Diamond’s wife Marcia Murphey was awarded an estimated $150 million following their divorce in 1996 (they married in 1969).  Diamonds are a girls best friend!

Neil Diamond & Marcia Murphey

Neil Diamond & Marcia Murphey


3.  Steven Spielberg.  If you haven’t heard this tale, it is a good one!  It seems that Steven tried to prevent disaster, but needed the right piece of paper to do so…and that is not a napkin.  The prenuptial agreement between Spielberg and first wife Amy Irving was written on a napkin.  During the divorce proceedings, it was deemed that Amy did not have legal representation at the time she signed said napkin, and she was awarded around $100 million dollars.  I wonder…did Spielberg cry into the napkin afterward?  I would. 

Steven Spielberg & Amy Irving divorce

Steven Spielberg & Amy Irving divorce


4.  Harrison Ford.  Ahh the first wives club!  Melissa Mathison was awarded approximately $5 million following their divorce for films produced and created during their marriage.

Harrison Ford & Melissa Mathison divorce

Harrison Ford & Melissa Mathison


5.  Kevin Costner.  Cindy Silva not only had the pleasure of being married to heartthrob Kevin Costner for 16 years, but she was awarded around $80 million dollars when the two parted. 

Kevin Costner & Cindy Silva divorce

Kevin Costner & Cindy Silva


6.  Paul McCartney.  Following much publicity, Heather Mills was eventually awarded around $48 million of Paul’s $700 million net worth after their divorce.  Paul was unhappy with the outcome, but elated when the official 58-page judgment was released to the public, wherein the judge called Mills out on many of her financial requests, including proposed yearly budgets of more than $400,000 for private flights, $80,000 for wine and $250,000 for clothes—"ridiculous," as well as "unreasonable, indeed exorbitant."

Paul McCartney & Heather Mills divorce

Paul McCartney & Heather Mills divorce

Heather Mills

Heather Mills


7.  Lionel Richie lost an estimated $20 million to second wife, Diane.

Lionel Richie & Diane

Lionel Richie & Diane


8.  Mick Jagger.  Jerry Hall received around $15-$20 million after Mick challenged the legality of their nuptials in 1990, obtaining an annulment.

Mick Jagger & Jerry Hall

Mick Jagger & Jerry Hall back in the day


9.  James Cameron shelled out around $50 million to Linda Hamilton.

James Cameron & Linda Hamilton

James Cameron & Linda Hamilton


10.  Michael Douglas depleted his savings by approximately $45 million upon divorcing first wife Diandra.  Before you go feelin’ too bad for the guy, he is married to Catherine Zeta Jones!

Michael Douglas & Diandra Luker divorce

Michael Douglas & Diandra Luker

Catherine Zeta Jones

Catherine Zeta Jones


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