
What Not to do with a Porsche Boxster

We winced when we discovered this exotic car crash catastrophe.  In two shocking moves, a 2008 Porsche Boxster was totaled.

The first shocking move, a Florida woman decided that rather than service her Porsche Boxster at an appropriate facility, why not just drop it off at a local garage?  Its only routine maintenance, right? Great plan.  That is like stopping by your local marina to service your super yacht.

The next shocking (or not so shocking) move came when the garage’s owner (we opted not to name-names) decided to take the Boxster for a high-speed test drive (which we assume is part of his “routine maintenance” package).  You can guess what happened next.

The Florida Highway patrol estimated the garage owner hit speeds of about 163 when he flipped the Porsche into a mangrove swamp.  We are doubting the speed estimate.  What was he thinking?  Was he attempting to host his own Richard Petty Driving Experience?  (the photo to the right serves as a “before” photo, it is a 2008 Porsche Boxster in yellow, the same model and color of the totaled one).

Not seriously injured, the man flees on foot and is discovered hiding out in a nearby parking lot, no doubt having a serious anxiety attack and pondering his need for speed.  This is strangely reminiscent of a recent Bugatti Veyron crash…they also run better on land.

The wannabe Nascar driver is then charged with reckless driving and leaving the scene of a crash.  Hey Mr., if you are unfamiliar with operating an exotic car, you likely have no business behind the wheel of someone else’s…not to mention a woman’s-who is clearly the better driver.  Ouch.

We hope lessons were learned here, and are glad no one was hurt (except the poor Porsche).  There is no way we trust anyone but the appropriate outlets to service any model in our exotic car rental fleet.  If you can afford a luxury car, you should be able to afford to maintain it properly.

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals