
WTF: BMW Recalls 241,000 3 Series Cars Due to Tenacious Texan

An unhappy Texan, Mark Peters, has campaigned for the recall of certain BMW 3 Series models due to faulty tail lamps and succeeded. The brand has recalled a colossal 241,000 3 Series cars sold between 2002-2005, following an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Well, at least the BMW 3 Series models in question did not burst into flames like the Ferrari 458 recall, what a nightmare!

The too-hot to handle Ferrari 458 Italia recall

The less dramatic BMW 3 Series recall

The model has the potential to experience failure of the rear tail lamps, brake lights and turn signals, and currently does not apply to the wagon. Peters claims that the wiring harness and connector were prone to overheating and that BMW knew about it and did nothing to help.

BMW 3 Series

The persistent Peters did not yield, and instead contacted NHTSA to report the problem. Peters never dreamed it would actually lead to a recall, and was stunned to receive a call from NHTSA with the big news. Peters said,
“I was just very happy that occasionally you can actually get results. It can be David and Goliath, and David can occasionally have an impact.”

That is a huge recall, hopefully BMW can bounce right back following the issue, as these things occur on occasion. Don’t miss our BMW rentals and more on your way out!

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals