
Ask Imagine: Culinary Curiosity

Dear Imagine Lifestyles,

I read your luxury blog daily and love the variety of information you provide, especially the luxury restaurant tips for our area.

That is actually how I discovered your blog, I had been searching for restaurants in Miami that I may not be aware exist, and found your blog about Nobu Sushi.  The added bonus is that you also cover exotic cars, which I love nearly as much as exotic food.  The content variety is awesome and a nice lunchtime read for me at the office.

Anyways, I am writing to get your take on the South Beach Food and Wine Festival this weekend, is it something to just stop by, or to plan on devoting the entire weekend to?

Thanks guys you are awesome,
Tomas, South Beach

Hello Tomas,

Let us begin by thanking you for the kind words about our luxury blog.  We position ourselves to be a source for all that is luxury, and are pleased that you enjoy reading and take time out to do so.

As for the South Beach Wine & Food Festival this weekend, if you are a foodie, and it sounds like you are, this annual event is the jackpot.  2011 will mark the tenth year for the festival, which has snowballed in size over that decade.  What began as a simple street fair has evolved in to a star-studded culinary collaboration of massive proportions-and portions.

Yes, upwards of 50,000 people gathered in Miami Beach for the event last year, and this year Food Network has joined forces with Food & Wine-which will likely multiply that measly 50,000.  The celebrity chefs and culinary personalities of Food Network will be here in Miami to showcase their skills and entertain guests.  The four day event is divided further into celebrity events, with available dates and times to help you decide which ones you are most interested in attending.  We doubt there will be any shortage of entertainment over the entire four days, though a shortage of parking may be a problem.

We hope this helps, and highly recommend that you check it out, and for more information read today’s blog about the 2010 South Beach Food & Wine Festival.

Thanks for being a fan Tomas,

Imagine Lifestyles

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals