Last Saturday night began at the Museum of Contemporary Art Bollywood themed, annual Pop Gala. Complete with red carpet, photogs and Indian garb dressed greeters. To the right of the entrance was the private Cartier sponsored Ruby Room, entrance fee: $10,000 for four tickets. When it comes to art, some people can still afford to spend. Upon walking into the museum, the walls were lined with silent auction items rather than art, big disappointment. Nothing caught our eye in the auction but it was all in the name of art preservation which is always a good cause. The crowd moved out to the back tent, a massive tent equipped with a separate beer bar, wine bar and vodka bar plus a fourth bar for good measure. H’ors deurves circled the floor and two long tables held Indian cuisine buffets, plus a massive dessert display. A dance floor in the middle and throngs of wealthy Miamians mingling about. The award winning song from Slumdog Millionaire came on and Indian dancers took to the floor. The acknowledgements for the Gala were made and then the DJ started spinning M.I.A, the older crowd cleared out and the younger socialites took over, the party began.
We left the MOCA Gala shortly after and headed for dinner at Nobu in the Shoreclub. After dinner rather then do one of the bigger clubs on the beach like LIV in the Fountainebleau or Louis in the Gansevoort South Hotel, we headed for Bella Rose. A local bar off the beaten path and hipster cult favorite. Bella has been making waves all the way into the New York Times by pushing the party envelope. Thanks to fresh ideas and an effort not to sell out, Bella keeps the high energy vibe where everyone knows anything goes. We weren’t sure if Saturday’s new "Bella Donna" party could match Sunday’s, Alexis Mincolla hosted "Black Sunday," it did. The fact that celebrity designer Calvin Klein ventured into party with the cool kids says enough. Klein kept composed, watching the Bella mayhem with a smile. Calvin Klein is by no means the first A-lister to make his way into Bella Rose. Klein is just a newby on Miami Beach, the 65 year old semi-retired fashion designer recently bought a 1920’s style Spanish Villa in Miami. Mr. Klein said he wants his new home to have a Mediterranean feel, as if it were “in Greece or something.†And just in case the Mediterranean home is too far away after a night partying on South Beach, Calvin can shack up in his apartment on Collins Avenue. As Klein knows how to live luxuriously and has an avid love of exotic cars, we are sure there will be more conversations between us to follow. After the last five New York winters, Calvin Klein felt he needed two South Florida residencies just to keep warm. As for us we danced like maniacs for the rest of the night, oh, and MOCA raised $60,000 just from the auction!