
LeBron’s Relocation Revamping Miami Luxury Real Estate and Restaurant Pricing?

After much fuss and hype, 25-year-old NBA star LeBron James has opted to make Miami his new home.  Now that the decision has been made, some feel the effects are being seen around the city already, in the form of price fluctuations.

Yes, LeBron’s departure from the Cleveland Cavaliers met with much opposition, as he turned his decision making process into a reality show of sorts, choosing to don the Miami Heat jersey in the end.  Now that LeBron will be joining us in sunny South Beach and Miami, some feel that real estate and restaurant pricing is changing slightly.

So where will LeBron decide to make his new home?  What Miami real estate will be chosen by the NBA player to serve as his new “crib”?  I am having flashbacks now of the former hit series “Mtv Cribs”…and feel a bit relieved it is a thing of the past.  But the burning question on everyone’s mind is:  Where will LeBron James live in Miami?  It is an excellent inquiry.

If LeBron’s Cleveland castle is any indicator, he will be purchasing a sizable home.  In 2008, the star built a 35,000 square foot luxury home including such amenities as a bowling alley, theater, barbershop, Starbucks, recording studio, casino and even an ATM machine.

And even as Miami Heat tickets are selling, so are luxury hotel reservations, resort bookings, and other beach accommodations.  The upscale restaurants dotting South Beach are preparing for a new influx of celebrity clientele for basketball season, with some regular customers already inquiring if their table will be secure once even more celebs begin to pile in.  I wonder if he will be hanging out with the Kardashians…who are similarly spotlight-loving, and who also love Miami.

The Shake Shack has already taken the initiative to name a sandwich after LeBron, dubbing it the “Le-Brat James” bratwurst.  Clever…that is sure to get you an autographed photo on the wall of the spotlight-loving NBA star.

As far as luxury Miami real estate, in light of his obvious flair for the extravagant, I cannot picture LeBron downsizing to squeeze his lofty tastes into a luxury condo.  It seems far more likely that he will take advantage of the current real estate buyer’s market and select a luxury home in South Florida.  The star could get a real steal, landing a Miami luxury property for a bargain right now.  Not that money seems to be a problem for the young athlete.
For more on celebrities, sports and luxury news, follow links to our luxury blog.  Also check out the Top 5 Luxury Cars we are saving for LeBron!
While you oare in Miami watching the heat play check out our fleet of Miami exotic rental cars.

Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals