
Luxury Events: The World’s Greatest Catwalk Slinks Closer

With fashion season smoldering, the chatter has turned its attention to the rapidly approaching “World’s Greatest Catwalk”, set to strut its sultry stuff on August 14th.  This luxury event will start at 3pm, culminating Copenhagen’s Fashion Week for summer of 2010.  So what makes this fashion show unique?

For starters, uber-status supermodel Helena Christensen will be patroness for the show, which is expected to draw in approximately 100,000 spectators and guests.  This is no ordinary catwalk, however.  You see, the long-legged models on this runway (220 of them to be exact) will walk a full mile (1.609 km), in hopes of breaking the record for the longest catwalk ever!   Imagine walking a mile in stilettos, under such scrutiny!  I am dying to see this.

This is certainly a progressive and creative event, touting a vibrant and edgy glow.  It has been tirelessly organized by Copenhagen Fashion Council.  Production company Stage 7 has been asked to construct the massive mile-long pink catwalk, lighting, sound, tribunes and scene, and arrange big screens along the mile for guests to view.

Design agency Femmes Regionales will be coordinating the 500 Scandinavian brands on the 220 models, while teams of 100 make-up artists and hair stylists from two industry leading forces, Max Factor and Wella, bring the clothing and visions to life.  Two of Denmark’s fashion powerhouses are supporting the World’s Greatest Catwalk, Copenhagen Fur and Vero Moda.

Copenhagen Fur is the world’s largest fur auction house and luxury fur provider (and likely Peta target), and Vero Moda is one of Europe’s principal clothing lines for young women. This is an end of summer, which will be highlighting the fall line for men, women and children.

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Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals