
A Luxury Jet Charter Fit For Paris, the City, Too

There are many ways to travel, many of which are well above “first-class”.  For instance, there are private jet charters, which seem to be the preferred method of transport for the world’s elite and the wealthy.  Like paparazzi favorite, Paris Hilton.

When your parents are literally made of money, it seems traveling is not so tiresome.  Recently, Paris took off to South Africa, where the World Cup was being hosted in a luxury aircraft charter, from which she tweeted photos to her followers.

The Twitter pics posted from Hilton’s jet charter displayed her poised on a double bed en route to South Africa.  Another pic showed Hilton perched on a leather sofa on her return flight to London aboard the private jet.

From a lavish reclining bed onboard her private aircraft charter, Paris Tweeted, “I love this city! One of my favorite cities in the world!” referring to London.

So which heavy jet charter did Paris Hilton choose for her sporty travels?  The 1979 Boeing 747 is owned by one Sheldon Adelson, CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation.  The 747 is a private luxury jet and retails for around $270 million, so 76 year old Adelson is obviously doing well for himself (aside from his estimated worth of 49.3 billion).

So how did Hilton enjoy the World Cup?  She and former Playboy playmate Jennifer Rovero were arrested in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, for suspicion of possessing drugs after police dogs sniffed out local marijuana in a designer handbag.   Hilton was released after four hours, but Rovero didn’t fare as well, reportedly admitting possession then being fined and immediately deported.  Guess it pays to be a Hilton, as we all witnessed during her 2007 drunk driving sentencing that became reality TV.
Want more luxury?  Follow links to our own fleet of private aircraft charter and luxury car rentals in Miami, New York, Chicago and LA.
Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals