
Ready, SET, Go away from Miami Beach

Set Night Club
Address:320 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach FL

Upon opening Set nightclub was basically a vibrant scene on Miami Beach, regardless of the fact that it was just another generic project put forth by the Opium Group (a group of investors) . Now it’s dying and we hope, soon to be replaced.

When Set first opened its doors, we thought the space setup was clever, the ambiance trendy and the concept pretty innovative for the lackluster minds at Opium Group. As time quickly passed, the bottle girls got uppity and fat; the door guys got pretentious and mean; the bar had no room to move, let alone order drinks at; and no one could move near the bathrooms. The elite found much trendier new hautes and everyone just kind of felt that the club had run out its welcome just as the previous other Opium Group clubs had. Now we will say, that from the get-go no one really had high hopes for a sister club whose sisters are ugly, trashy and unexciting but, it should have been a no-brainer this time around. After all, Opium group has had more chances then anyone else in the biz, not to mention, a monopoly on prime real estate.

Apparently, the opium group chose not to take their vast amounts of hard learned knowledge in Set because it isn’t more then a year into the club’s life and the crowds are no longer crowded outside. The Lincoln road sidewalk where the club is located, was empty this past Saturday night. It is pretty unbelievable, considering Lincoln Road is one of the most famous streets in the country.

The lesson to be learned here is that just because you have lots of money or wealthy financial backers, does not make you an authority in the nightclub business. Trying to turn a profit will not create the high- quality vibe necessary to bring the club-goers in and maintain them. Thus, you may have the hottest new night club at the moment but it will not retain longevity, inevitably causing a trainwreck. It just goes to show that people aren’t looking for a big generic, run-of–the-mill club anymore. For god sakes its 2008, step outside the box and give us something new that we can’t get anywhere else. Right now on Miami Beach, the exclusive hush-hush clubs are the most beloved . If you can’t be a place that keeps us wanting more, coming back weekend after weekend, and you don’t want to pay attention to what we want then just go away already. Opium Group, please put Set out of its misery and give up the precious club space. How many more times do you need to go big and fail before you get the hint and realize that party people want something fresh, and dangerously risqué.  Its called “sellout” for a reason and you guys sold out a long time ago (Prive Miami, Opium Lounge, Mansion, Prive Vegas).

After all our years partying around your clubs, we are yet to hear anything good about any one of them or hear anyone say they are dying to go back. So listen when we say, “take your big money, corporation mentality and shove it, we are sticking it to the Man.” Oh and one more thing, Opium Group, try not to botch up the new club space you just took over in the Gansevoort South Hotel because they are having enough problems on their own.