
Trashy: Rolls Royce Phantom Crashes into Garbage Truck

Within 8 days, two Rolls Royce Phantoms have crashed in China! This is not entirely shocking, considering that China is currently the world’s largest exotic car market. The literal explosion of exotic cars onto China’s roadways is a recipe for increasing exotic car crashes. But 2 Phantoms within 8 days? Insanity!

Phantom Crash in China

The wreckage of the Rolls Royce Phantom

This time a sleek black Rolls Royce Phantom nailed a garbage truck, leading to a nasty repair bill for the luxury car. Local police indicate that the driver of the Phantom was at fault because he attempted to overtake another truck in a lane where passing was not permitted. Luckily, no injuries were reported, just monetary inflammation!

The previous incident involved a 21-year-old Chinese man who clipped a parked Rolls Royce Phantom (white) in his standard car. The Phantom was reportedly parked in violation of traffic rules and without a license plate…which could help the youngster’s case!

Rolls Royce crash

The 1st Rolls Royce Phantom crash

Exotic car crashes China

Back angle of the incident


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Post by Imagine Lifestyles Luxury Rentals