
Will the Next Ferrari Enzo Draw Inspiration from Bugatti?

Rumors are spinning that the very next Ferrari Enzo shall draw its inspiration from the Bugatti Veyron supercar!  Will the rivals pair up and allow this rumor to take shape?  Will the Enzo take on shapes inspired by the Bugatti Veyron supercar?

Bugatti Veyron

It appears we will remain on pins and needles until late 2012, when the new Ferrari Enzo is set to debut.  While a Ferrari-Bugatti blend seems strange, I must admit I am picturing various design themes in my mind for a Ferratti or Bugari, and they are not entirely bad!  It could be the best luxury car concept to hit the scene lately.

Ferrari concept cars

The new Enzo will feature new-generation aerodynamic technology including what is being referred to as “active aerodynamics” that effectively pump air out through the body to influence airflow over and under the skin.  Sounds like a breath of fresh air for auto technology.

It is possible that Ferrari will include a direct-injection twin-turbocharged V8 in the new Enzo.  It is also likely that the 2012 Ferrari Enzo will utilize the same gasoline-hybrid technology as the Vettura Laboratorio HYKERS luxury concept car.

What do you think of a Bugatti inspired Ferrari Enzo?  This is your chance to wow us with your expertise and automotive prowess, so comment below!

As always, check out our fleet of exotic rental cars, including Ferrari rentals on your way out!

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