This Lambo has taken a beating
Tabloid target Chris Brown has apparently recovered his rep from beating the beautiful Rihanna with his first number one album, only to take his aggression out on a perfectly innocent Lamborghini. Just look at Chris Brown’s Lamborghini…customized to resemble a fighter jet. Judging by the paint I am sure this Lamborghini is not a Los Angeles exotic rental car company.
Chris Brown exits his custom Lamborghini fighter jet at his Los Angeles gym. It is unclear what received the most attention, his Day-Glo green shoes or his exotic sports car.
Basically, Chris Brown has gone from violent woman-beater to chart-topper, and now wants to display his inflated ego as loudly and visually as possible. Of course! A custom Lamborghini with a paint job from hell and a matching Twitter account! I have to wonder if a fighter theme is a wise idea for him…people don’t forget, but why remind them?
The infamous bruises on Rihanna
Hey, is that a bruise on her arm? I joke, I joke…
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It appears that Brown’s customized Lamborghini was a treat to himself for his first number one album. I wonder if it is an attempt to protect himself from all the “Haters”. What do you think of Brown’s new Lamborghini? Comment below!
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